Sunday, February 05, 2006

You could do worse

on a Saturday night, than to find yourself sitting in a fair trade cafe listening to David Menefee singing his big heart out in front of the window while the snow swirls around and tiny lights flicker in the bare trees and of the nine people sitting there listening, three of them are crying because David's voice catches in just the right way that is both strong and sad, and of those three weeping people, one of them is you, but you knew that this was going to happen, so you have a two-hour supply of tissues in your pocket, right next to the money for the CD you're going to buy, so that you can take this feeling home with you, except that you can't. You had to be there.


Andrea said...

In one of my most wonderful conversations with E, and there were many wonderful conversations, he told me the Buddhist way of saying "right on." I wish I could remember it. I'd say it to you about this post.

suzanne said...

Well, E. can't remember it either, but thank you. (Maybe it's some kind of fancy bow? You never know with Buddhists). You were my new favorite blogger even before you stopped by here and said nice things. I wish I could do a fancy link to your blog, but I have to read my little manual for that. For now, I'll just mention what I have already mentioned to several friends on e-mail: everyone will want to check out Massey's blog, Recipe Narratives at:

and have a helping of Telepathic Pasta Pie.