Sunday, November 18, 2007

lone magi

Today after church, we were sitting near the front of the sanctuary waiting for the choir rehearsal to begin. Up walks a man I'll call Frank. He is a sweet man, perhaps mentally ill, or maybe developmentally handicapped. At our church what matters is that he is a beloved regular parishioner. He has a habit of asking an odd question and then walking away abruptly as soon as he gets the answer. When he sees me, he usually points at my daughter, and asks in an urgent tone, "How is she doing in school, is she doing okay?" I always answer that she is doing very well, to which he nods gravely before turning quickly away.

So today, Frank approached this young man in our choir, who we'll call Reggie. Reggie is a good-natured, constantly smiling person. He has a had a difficult life sometimes, from what little I know. Frank bent down until his white beard was almost brushing Reggie's smiling face, and in his formal, serious way, announced:

"I'm looking for Jesus of Nazareth, do you know where I might find him?"

I smiled because we had just finished having mass and we were sitting there in our glorious romanesque sanctuary where Jesus is depicted hundreds of times all around us in the statues, stained glass, and ceiling frescos.

Reggie didn't take even a second to think.

"Look in the mirror."

Frank raised his eyebrows and pointed at his heart.

"He's inside of me?"

Reggie nodded. "Yes he is."

Frank thought about it for a moment and then bowed.

"Thank you."

Then he turned around and walked away in a hurry.

Things happen at my church that defy commentary. I am always wanting to make a poem out of what happens there, but so many moments arrive already full of poetry and then there is nothing left to record but the gratitude.

And I am grateful.


Lourdes' Space said...

Dear Hope's Mama,

Once again, your observations bring tears to my eyes. What a beautiful story! Thank you for taking the time to document this wonderful exchange.



Anonymous said...

oh, this is so beautiful! thank you for documenting that incredible exchange~

love and more love -- doe

Annie's Mom said...

This is wonderful; thank you for sharing it!

suzanne said...

Hello I am chorus!

Thanks for stopping by, and for the opportunity ot read your nice blog!

suzanne said...

And Doe and Lourdes, dear friends!

Always a pleasure to run into you two here.


Crimson Rambler said...

A very merry Christmas, Hope's Mama!

suzanne said...

and the same to you, Rev. Rambler, and God bless you and send you a happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful as always.



Lindy said...

That is a great story. I am so glad I clicked over here... from MadPriest.