Thursday, March 09, 2006

What if you were an organization

—maybe a good guy, non-profit kind of organization, and you had a mission statement and this was it:

"To polish my soul until it is shining so that God can see his beautiful face reflected in it " *

What are the strategic objectives that support your mission statement? What are the roadblocks that prevent you from fulfilling your mission? Are there grants available to help? What specific projects does this mission statement suggest? Have you been using your resources toward this end, or does there need to be some re-evaluation and re-organization?

*with gratitiude to my friend Hysnishah, who knows the meaning of life and will tell you about it while you drink coffee, if you go and see her.


Andrea said...

I think if that was your mission statement, many people of all colors and creeds would sign up, and would bring caches of weapons. Others would understand you more deeply. But the latter would not be on the news.
GOD=POWER in our imprecise and hijacked language, and power protects itself and feeds itself and generally behaves like an insatiable child. Maybe that dichotomy is itself our Golden Apple, is the riddle that we're all supposed to solve together, until S/HE is pleased, and sees h-er/is face. It's why the saved and the damned "speak in tongues" in all of our stories: it's the linguistic sign that has the power, the double edge.
Thank you, again, for your words.

Anonymous said...

Another reminder of our real work here on the planet...

Thank you once more.

Mr. Anonymous

Andrea said...

What if Mr Anonymous is God?