Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Your mail was bounced

It was tossed repeatedly in the air until it squealed with delight.
Your mail was then folded tenderly in a quilted blanket and rocked to sleep.
Your mail was sung to, fussed over and adored.
Your mail has never known such playful, joyful affection as it received today.
Your mail is being returned to you.
It is undeliverable, but not unlovable.
An error occurred.
It was no one’s fault. It was serendipity, really.
It was our pleasure to host your mail when the intended host was unavailable.
Here is your bounced mail.
May all its paths be peace.
May it know the compassionate heart at the center of every qualified domain.


Anonymous said...

"It was no one's fault"--to think that all rough gaps and breaks, all the incompletions and shorted circuits in our attempts to communicate with each other could be faultless, filled with love and peaceful abiding. If we could only hold our failed attempts to connect with each other like we hold our smallest little baby beings, with cooing and dandling and fun little whoopsie games: rhymed and executed with exaggeratedly high, downward-curving voices just to let everyone know that there is no real danger, that we won't be lost in the sudden space that's opened up between us and below us, that loving hands will soon lift us again and take us back in to the safe place we long to rest in together. It's worth a try, at least...

Anonymous said...

this entry makes me happy. i love the way you've turned an "error" message into a message of merriment and delight.

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Amazing writing, BuBuSuzanneBukuria -- love it all!

Hurrah for your entre into the WorldOfBlog!


suzanne said...

Dear Anonymous and C'dog and Maha,

Thanks to all three of you for your poetic/supportive/loving comments.

Mr. Anonymous- I am re-reading your comment today and I find it so reassuring. I love the idea (the truth of it) that there is no real danger in our attempts to communicate with each other.

What a gift to hear from each of you dear ones and to get to share some writing with you.